Thursday, November 06, 2008

Historic election...

It truly is gratifying to see the joy and optimism reflected in most American faces with the election Barack Obama...having lived through the shock of the deaths of Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, Selma, Viet Nam, etc...seeing tears stream down Jesse Jackson and Oprah's faces for a positive event was truly joyous - I'm thankful to be alive to share in it...

I stayed up and watched the returns and cheered when Ohio and Virginia went for Barack...the celebration in Grant Park, Chicago was a stark contrast to the police terror I witnessed in 1968 at the democratic party convention...but we the people have a long way to go...

Hopefully - this election will mark the end of the era of the greedy American imperialist bullying most recently - championed by war criminals - Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. If you don't believe that they are war criminals - you are on the wrong page...hopefully they will be prosecuted somewhere in the world - so the rest of us have a chance to clear our names...

The profitable "commentary" about an Obama administration has already started - the "liberal" label - is being thrown around - this seems to be applied to any economic plan that doesn't give money to all the corporate conglomerates lined up for payback for their campaign contributions...

Thank you Barack and many blessings to you as you undertake the work - please stay the course where your heart leads you - not the expedient political habits that will be pressed upon you...


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