This blog's namesake...
The Boomer Legacy is here right now - staring us in the face as Bush and his Congressional cronies rob the treasury to line their pockets and those of their corporate friends! Is it any surprise that they should not pay the consequences of their excess? Maybe they really do believe that the world as we know it will end in 2012? And they're figuring with enough money they can party hard and stay out of jail until then...
What's so unbelievable is that we've become so docile - so mesmorized - so seduced by sound bite marketing - that the great masses of us do NOTHING. Most of my friends are really worried about their "portfolios" - and pardon my french - but fuck everything else!
If your young, and have a semblance of consciousness between your ears - I recommend that you watch the Chicago 10 - and see what these money hungry retiree-wanna-be's once were - people who thought that this country could stand for something other than war and greed. If you want to have some fun do a little research on each of those who stood trial - google them if nothing else.
Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II all happened on our watch and everyone counted their money as the government of the United States was taken over by the "military/industrial complex" that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned citizens about. And so it goes...
According to corporate Presidential candidate, Barack Obama, only five percent of American taxpayers make over $250,000 annually - and that's apparently enough for most of my generation to become the modern equivalents of Judas...
What's so unbelievable is that we've become so docile - so mesmorized - so seduced by sound bite marketing - that the great masses of us do NOTHING. Most of my friends are really worried about their "portfolios" - and pardon my french - but fuck everything else!
If your young, and have a semblance of consciousness between your ears - I recommend that you watch the Chicago 10 - and see what these money hungry retiree-wanna-be's once were - people who thought that this country could stand for something other than war and greed. If you want to have some fun do a little research on each of those who stood trial - google them if nothing else.
Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II all happened on our watch and everyone counted their money as the government of the United States was taken over by the "military/industrial complex" that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned citizens about. And so it goes...
According to corporate Presidential candidate, Barack Obama, only five percent of American taxpayers make over $250,000 annually - and that's apparently enough for most of my generation to become the modern equivalents of Judas...
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