Confessions - reflection...
Perkins is now a dot-org "dedicated to changing the world" and the book has 592 cusomer reviews on Amazon. Hmmm...
Perkins said he was going to write this book 20 years before he did - why is that? Hmmm...
Why does he tell the story now - to "change the world" or hmmm...
Here is the most truthful part from his book in my opinion:
My thought is that he had not yet accumulateded enough personal wealth to feel secure about his financial future. Now that he has enough - he can tell us peasants the story. Hmmm..."It would be great if we could blame it all on a conspiracy, but we cannot. The empire depends on the efficacy of big banks, corporations, and governments - the coporatocracy - but it is not a conspiracy. This corporatocracy is ourselves - we make it happen - which, of course, is why most of us find it difficult to stand up and oppose it. We would rather glimpse conspirators lurking in the shadows, because most of us work for one of those banks, corporations, or governments, or in some way are dependent on them for the goods and services they produce and market. We cannot bring ourselves to bite the hand of the master who feeds us."
He was happy to make the big bucks as a corporatist but you shouldn't be. End of story.
As John Lennon once said about us in "Working Class Heroes" -
There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
If you want to be a hero well just follow me
If you want to be a hero well just follow me
Perkins is telling us that there is no "room at the top" - other than that he seems to say that we're "still fucking peasants as far as he can see " - wouldn't it be better if we could have grown old with John Lennon - not John Perkins.
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