Thursday, December 07, 2006

A place to start...

Let's role this one out to see if there is a place to start - even talking to myself.

First, I'm convinced we need more democracy in America. Fundamentally, I'm committed to a direct democracy. Let's dump "representative" government in total. I can't think of anyone in government who represents me - none of them reflect what I think, nor what I value. I realize that I might be in the minority here, but what the hell, I'd rather take my chances with all of the people - certainly there will be some issues where the majority will agree with me.

One of my good friends whom I would consider "pro-democracy" freaked when I told him that I was in favor of a direct democracy - he reminded me that we lived in Christian Reconstructionist territory. "We'd have to teach the Bible in the public schools!"

Hmmm...not if the Constitution was written clearly, respected, and enforced. A well written document would protect us from the tyranny of the majority of the religious; just as it would protect the minority of blacks from the tyranny of the majority of whites; and protect those of us with the minority of dollars from the tyrrany of the majority of dollars; etc.

Maybe this is a little too ideal for the land of the free and the home of the brave.


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