Thursday, November 02, 2006

Still politically homeless...

The election is only a few days away and the rhetoric has reached fever pitch. Will the Democrats win enough seats to displace the Republican majorities in Congress?

Karl Rove says no. NPR says it's too close too call. Other media pundits and talking heads prattle on, and on, and on, and on.

My prediction is it won't make any difference. The 535 people who supposedly represent us are bought and paid for by corporate and special interests. Ronnie Dugger wrote about it years ago and David Sirota wrote about it more recently. According to Sirota, a former Congressional staffer, you can count the good guys left in Congress, on one hand.

Think about it. 300 million Americans "represented" by 535 people. That's roughly one representative for every 560,ooo of us. First, who could honestly even pretend to represent the views or values of 560,000 of us? Secondly, given these odds, would you pay more attention to the few folks who give you lots of money or the majority of your constuents who didn't give you any?

The "Takeover" Sirota writes about wasn't hostile - it should have been but most of weren't paying attention and still don't seem to be.

I e-mailed Mr. Dugger and asked him if the "takeover" was complete or if there was a group to join that had any momentum to accomplish change. He didn't respond and that is speaking pretty loudly to me.


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